home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- property Screen, lastgoodframe, vall, ms, inkx, myblack, piet
- global preloadlist, channels, screenrect, timenow, inklist, blendlist, fx1list, fx2list, gfeedback, linklist, inlist, outlist, onlist, softdual, fsim, fs, fsrect, connectlist, origconnectlist, values, lfo1, lfo2, composerect, composewidth, composeheight, timelist, curscript, fps, freeframe1list, freeframe2list, FreeFrameTest, wipelist, masklist, scratchlist
- on beginSprite me
- myblack = image(composewidth, composeheight, 32)
- myblack.fill(myblack.rect, rgb(0, 0, 0))
- if the platform contains "Mac" then
- else
- inkx = xtra("ValueChecker").new()
- end if
- onlist = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
- timelist = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
- masklist = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
- scratchlist = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
- Screen = image(composewidth, composeheight, 32)
- lastgoodframe = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
- jan = new(#vectorShape)
- jan.vertexList = [[#vertex: point(-130.0, -29.0)], [#vertex: point(131.0, -29.0)], [#vertex: point(131.0, 28.0)], [#vertex: point(-130.0, 28.0)]]
- jan.fillMode = #gradient
- jan.fillColor = rgb(random(255), random(255), random(255))
- jan.endColor = rgb(random(255), random(255), random(255))
- jan.fillCycles = random(5)
- jan.closed = 1
- piet = image(320, 240, 32)
- piet.copyPixels(jan.image, piet.rect, jan.image.rect)
- piet.copyPixels(member(120, "ui").image, piet.rect, piet.rect, [#ink: 36])
- linklist = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
- inlist = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
- outlist = [255, 255, 255, 255, 255]
- softdual = 0
- if (the desktopRectList).count > 1 then
- fsrect = (the desktopRectList)[2]
- end if
- connectlist = [["blendlist[1]", "sprite(82).props.faders[1]", "sprite(82).props.faders[2]", "sprite(82).props.faders[3]", "sprite(82).props.faders[4]", "sprite(82).props.faders[5]", "sprite(82).props.faders[6]", "sprite(82).props.faders[7]", "sprite(82).props.faders[8]", "sprite(82).props.faders[9]", "sprite(82).props.faders[10]", "sprite(82).props.faders[11]", "sprite(82).props.faders[12]", "sprite(82).props.faders[13]", "sprite(82).props.faders[14]", "sprite(82).props.faders[15]", "sprite(82).props.faders[16]", "sprite(82).props.faders[17]", "sprite(82).props.faders[18]", "sprite(82).props.faders[19]", "sprite(82).props.faders[20]", "sprite(82).props.faders[11]", "sprite(82).props.faders[12]", "sprite(82).props.faders[23]", "sprite(82).props.faders[24]", "timelist[1]", "scratchlist[1]"], ["blendlist[2]", "sprite(83).props.faders[1]", "sprite(83).props.faders[2]", "sprite(83).props.faders[3]", "sprite(83).props.faders[4]", "sprite(83).props.faders[5]", "sprite(83).props.faders[6]", "sprite(83).props.faders[7]", "sprite(83).props.faders[8]", "sprite(83).props.faders[9]", "sprite(83).props.faders[10]", "sprite(83).props.faders[11]", "sprite(83).props.faders[12]", "sprite(83).props.faders[13]", "sprite(83).props.faders[14]", "sprite(83).props.faders[15]", "sprite(83).props.faders[16]", "sprite(83).props.faders[17]", "sprite(83).props.faders[18]", "sprite(83).props.faders[19]", "sprite(83).props.faders[20]", "sprite(83).props.faders[11]", "sprite(83).props.faders[12]", "sprite(83).props.faders[23]", "sprite(83).props.faders[24]", "timelist[2]", "scratchlist[2]"], ["blendlist[3]", "sprite(84).props.faders[1]", "sprite(84).props.faders[2]", "sprite(84).props.faders[3]", "sprite(84).props.faders[4]", "sprite(84).props.faders[5]", "sprite(84).props.faders[6]", "sprite(84).props.faders[7]", "sprite(84).props.faders[8]", "sprite(84).props.faders[9]", "sprite(84).props.faders[10]", "sprite(84).props.faders[11]", "sprite(84).props.faders[12]", "sprite(84).props.faders[13]", "sprite(84).props.faders[14]", "sprite(84).props.faders[15]", "sprite(84).props.faders[16]", "sprite(84).props.faders[17]", "sprite(84).props.faders[18]", "sprite(84).props.faders[19]", "sprite(84).props.faders[20]", "sprite(84).props.faders[11]", "sprite(84).props.faders[12]", "sprite(84).props.faders[23]", "sprite(84).props.faders[24]", "timelist[3]", "scratchlist[3]"], ["blendlist[4 ]", "sprite(85).props.faders[1]", "sprite(85).props.faders[2]", "sprite(85).props.faders[3]", "sprite(85).props.faders[4]", "sprite(85).props.faders[5]", "sprite(85).props.faders[6]", "sprite(85).props.faders[7]", "sprite(85).props.faders[8]", "sprite(85).props.faders[9]", "sprite(85).props.faders[10]", "sprite(85).props.faders[11]", "sprite(85).props.faders[12]", "sprite(85).props.faders[13]", "sprite(85).props.faders[14]", "sprite(85).props.faders[15]", "sprite(85).props.faders[16]", "sprite(85).props.faders[17]", "sprite(85).props.faders[18]", "sprite(85).props.faders[19]", "sprite(85).props.faders[20]", "sprite(85).props.faders[11]", "sprite(85).props.faders[12]", "sprite(85).props.faders[23]", "sprite(85).props.faders[24]", "timelist[4]", "scratchlist[4]"], ["blendlist[5]", "sprite(86).props.faders[1]", "sprite(86).props.faders[2]", "sprite(86).props.faders[3]", "sprite(86).props.faders[4]", "sprite(86).props.faders[5]", "sprite(86).props.faders[6]", "sprite(86).props.faders[7]", "sprite(86).props.faders[8]", "sprite(86).props.faders[9]", "sprite(86).props.faders[10]", "sprite(86).props.faders[11]", "sprite(86).props.faders[12]", "sprite(86).props.faders[13]", "sprite(86).props.faders[14]", "sprite(86).props.faders[15]", "sprite(86).props.faders[16]", "sprite(86).props.faders[17]", "sprite(86).props.faders[18]", "sprite(86).props.faders[19]", "sprite(86).props.faders[20]", "sprite(86).props.faders[11]", "sprite(86).props.faders[12]", "sprite(86).props.faders[23]", "sprite(86).props.faders[24]", "timelist[5]", "scratchlist[5]"]]
- origconnectlist = connectlist.duplicate()
- ms = the milliSeconds
- end
- on snapshot me
- zz = image(composewidth, composeheight, 32)
- zz.copyPixels(Screen, rect(0, 0, composewidth, composeheight), rect(0, 0, composewidth, composeheight))
- return zz
- end
- on exitFrame me
- fps = 1000.0 / (the milliSeconds - ms)
- ms = the milliSeconds
- curscript = "composite"
- if not gfeedback then
- Screen.fill(screenrect, rgb(0, 0, 0))
- end if
- repeat with i = 1 to 5
- if ((channels[i] <> 0) or (linklist[i] = 1)) and onlist[i] then
- if (preloadlist[channels[i]] <> []) or (linklist[i] = 1) then
- cnt = preloadlist[channels[i]].count
- if timelist[i] = 0 then
- if scratchlist[i] > 0 then
- vv = min(256, max(1, scratchlist[i]))
- vall = (vv / 256.0 * (outlist[i] - inlist[i])) + inlist[i]
- else
- vall = (sprite(i + 101).val / 256.0 * (outlist[i] - inlist[i])) + inlist[i]
- end if
- else
- vall = integer(value(connectlist[i][26]))
- end if
- wframe = max(1, vall / 256.0 * cnt)
- if masklist[i] > 0 then
- mcnt = preloadlist[masklist[i]].count
- if mcnt > 0 then
- if timelist[i] = 0 then
- mvall = (sprite(i + 101).val / 256.0 * (outlist[i] - inlist[i])) + inlist[i]
- else
- mvall = integer(value(connectlist[i][26]))
- end if
- mwframe = max(1, mvall / 256.0 * mcnt)
- mwhich = preloadlist[masklist[i]][mwframe].createMask()
- else
- mwhich = myblack
- end if
- end if
- if linklist[i] then
- which = snapshot()
- else
- which = preloadlist[channels[i]][wframe]
- if which.ilk = #image then
- lastgoodframe[i] = integer(wframe)
- else
- which = preloadlist[i][lastgoodframe[i]]
- end if
- end if
- props = sprite(i + 81).props
- blendlist[i] = value(connectlist[i][1])
- if blendlist[i] < 255 then
- if fx2list[i] = #nop then
- case inklist[i].ilk of
- #integer:
- if getPos([0, 32], inklist[i]) = 0 then
- tempimg = Screen.duplicate()
- tempimg.copyPixels(dofx1(which, i, props), screenrect, which.rect, [#ink: inklist[i], #color: sprite(i + 16).mycol, #bgColor: sprite(i + 11).mycol])
- Screen.copyPixels(tempimg, screenrect, screenrect, [#blendLevel: blendlist[i]])
- else
- Screen.copyPixels(dofx1(which, i, props), screenrect, which.rect, [#ink: inklist[i], #blendLevel: blendlist[i], #color: sprite(i + 16).mycol, #bgColor: sprite(i + 11).mycol])
- end if
- #list:
- inkk = inklist[i][1]
- tempimgg = dofx1(which, i, props)
- tempimg = Screen.duplicate()
- inkx.jbCopyPixels(tempimg, tempimgg, which.rect, which.rect, [#ink: inkk, #DestIsStage: 0])
- Screen.copyPixels(tempimg, screenrect, screenrect, [#blendLevel: blendlist[i]])
- #symbol:
- case inklist[i] of
- #wipe:
- Screen = masktransition(Screen, dofx1(which, i, props), wipelist[i], blendlist[i], Screen.rect, Screen.rect)
- #mask:
- if getPos([0, 32], inklist[i]) = 0 then
- tempimg = Screen.duplicate()
- tempimg.copyPixels(dofx1(which, i, props), screenrect, which.rect, [#ink: inklist[i], #color: sprite(i + 16).mycol, #bgColor: sprite(i + 11).mycol])
- Screen.copyPixels(tempimg, screenrect, screenrect, [#maskImage: mwhich, #blendLevel: blendlist[i]])
- else
- Screen.copyPixels(dofx1(which, i, props), screenrect, which.rect, [#maskImage: mwhich, #ink: inklist[i], #blendLevel: blendlist[i], #color: sprite(i + 16).mycol, #bgColor: sprite(i + 11).mycol])
- end if
- end case
- end case
- else
- case inklist[i].ilk of
- #integer:
- if getPos([0, 32], inklist[i]) = 0 then
- tempimg = dofx2(dofx1(which, i, props), i, props)
- t2 = Screen.duplicate()
- t2.copyPixels(tempimg, screenrect, which.rect, [#ink: inklist[i], #color: sprite(i + 16).mycol, #bgColor: sprite(i + 11).mycol])
- Screen.copyPixels(t2, screenrect, screenrect, [#blendLevel: blendlist[i]])
- else
- Screen.copyPixels(dofx2(dofx1(which, i, props), i, props), screenrect, which.rect, [#ink: inklist[i], #blendLevel: blendlist[i], #color: sprite(i + 16).mycol, #bgColor: sprite(i + 11).mycol])
- end if
- #list:
- inkk = inklist[i][1]
- tempimg = dofx2(dofx1(which, i, props), i, props)
- t2 = Screen.duplicate()
- inkx.jbCopyPixels(t2, tempimg, which.rect, which.rect, [#ink: inkk, #DestIsStage: 0])
- Screen.copyPixels(t2, screenrect, screenrect, [#blendLevel: blendlist[i]])
- #symbol:
- case inklist[i] of
- #wipe:
- Screen = masktransition(Screen, dofx2(dofx1(which, i, props), i, props), wipelist[i], blendlist[i], Screen.rect, Screen.rect)
- #mask:
- if getPos([0, 32], inklist[i]) = 0 then
- tempimg = dofx2(dofx1(which, i, props), i, props)
- t2 = Screen.duplicate()
- t2.copyPixels(tempimg, screenrect, which.rect, [#ink: inklist[i], #color: sprite(i + 16).mycol, #bgColor: sprite(i + 11).mycol])
- Screen.copyPixels(t2, screenrect, screenrect, [#maskImage: mwhich, #blendLevel: blendlist[i]])
- else
- Screen.copyPixels(dofx2(dofx1(which, i, props), i, props), screenrect, which.rect, [#maskImage: mwhich, #ink: inklist[i], #blendLevel: blendlist[i], #color: sprite(i + 16).mycol, #bgColor: sprite(i + 11).mycol])
- end if
- end case
- end case
- end if
- next repeat
- end if
- if fx2list[i] = #nop then
- case inklist[i].ilk of
- #integer:
- Screen.copyPixels(dofx1(which, i, props), screenrect, which.rect, [#ink: inklist[i], #color: sprite(i + 16).mycol, #bgColor: sprite(i + 11).mycol])
- #list:
- inkk = inklist[i][1]
- tempimg = dofx1(which, i, props)
- inkx.jbCopyPixels(Screen, tempimg, which.rect, which.rect, [#ink: inkk, #DestIsStage: 0])
- #symbol:
- case inklist[i] of
- #wipe:
- Screen = masktransition(Screen, dofx1(which, i, props), wipelist[i], blendlist[i], Screen.rect, Screen.rect)
- #mask:
- Screen.copyPixels(dofx1(which, i, props), screenrect, which.rect, [#maskImage: mwhich, #ink: inklist[i], #color: sprite(i + 16).mycol, #bgColor: sprite(i + 11).mycol])
- end case
- end case
- next repeat
- end if
- case inklist[i].ilk of
- #integer:
- Screen.copyPixels(dofx2(dofx1(which, i, props), i, props), screenrect, which.rect, [#ink: inklist[i], #color: sprite(i + 16).mycol, #bgColor: sprite(i + 11).mycol])
- #list:
- inkk = inklist[i][1]
- tempimg = dofx2(dofx1(which, i, props), i, props)
- inkx.jbCopyPixels(Screen, tempimg, which.rect, which.rect, [#ink: inkk, #DestIsStage: 0])
- #symbol:
- case inklist[i] of
- #wipe:
- Screen = masktransition(Screen, dofx2(dofx1(which, i, props), i, props), wipelist[i], blendlist[i], Screen.rect, Screen.rect)
- #mask:
- Screen.copyPixels(dofx2(dofx1(which, i, props), i, props), screenrect, which.rect, [#maskImage: mwhich, #ink: inklist[i], #color: sprite(i + 16).mycol, #bgColor: sprite(i + 11).mycol])
- end case
- end case
- end if
- end if
- end repeat
- if (the ticks mod 18000) > 14400 then
- Screen.copyPixels(piet, screenrect, screenrect, [#ink: #addPin])
- end if
- (the stage).image.copyPixels(Screen, rect(0, 0, 320, 240), screenrect)
- if softdual then
- fsim.copyPixels(Screen, rect(0, 0, 640, 480), screenrect)
- end if
- end
- on dofx1 mem, layer, props
- effect = fx1list[layer]
- repeat with i = 1 to 12
- props.faders[i] = integer(value(connectlist[layer][i + 1]))
- if props.write[i] then
- sprite(218 + layer).setval(props.faders[i], #void, i)
- end if
- if props.read[i] then
- props.faders[i] = sprite(218 + layer).val[i]
- end if
- if effect = #freeframe then
- if freeframe1list[layer] > 0 then
- v = max(0, min(1, props.faders[i] / 256.0))
- FreeFrameTest.setParam_Plug_Inst(freeframe1list[layer], 1, i, v)
- end if
- end if
- end repeat
- case effect of
- #Blur:
- times = props.faders[1] / 32
- repeat with i = 1 to times
- mem = Blur(mem)
- end repeat
- #feedback:
- mem = feedback(mem, props.faders[1], props.faders[2], props.faders[2])
- #matrix:
- mem = matrix(mem, props.faders[1] / 16, props.faders[2] / 16)
- #matrix_flip:
- mem = matrix_flip(mem, props.faders[1] / 16, props.faders[2] / 16)
- #rotate:
- mem = imageRotate(mem, props.faders[1], props.bgColor)
- #scaleimg:
- mem = scaleimg(mem, props.faders[1])
- #round_edges:
- mem = roundedges(mem, props.bgColor)
- #ovalize:
- mem = ovalize(mem, props.bgColor)
- #colorize:
- mem = colorize(mem, props.color)
- #color_min_max:
- mem = colorfilter(mem, props.color, props.bgColor)
- #bender:
- mem = bender(mem, props.faders[1], props.faders[2])
- #bol:
- mem = bol(mem, props.scale, props.scale)
- #lineshift:
- mem = lineshift(mem, props.faders[1], props.faders[2])
- #dots:
- mem = dotfilter(mem, props.faders[1] / 8, props.faders[1] / 8, props.color, props.bgColor)
- #dotsfast:
- mem = dotfast(mem, props.faders[1], props.faders[2])
- #dotscolor:
- mem = dotfiltercolor(mem, props.faders[1] / 8, props.faders[1] / 8, props.color, props.bgColor)
- #sketch:
- mem = sketch(mem, props.faders[1], props.color, props.bgColor)
- #desat:
- mem = desaturate(mem, props.faders[1])
- #contrast:
- mem = contrast(mem, props.faders[1])
- #lightness:
- mem = lightness(mem, props.faders[1])
- #lightray:
- mem = lightray(mem, props.faders[1], props.faders[2])
- #lightray2:
- mem = lightray2(mem, props.faders[1], props.faders[2])
- #pinch:
- mem = pinch(mem, props.faders[1], props.faders[2])
- #pinch_square:
- mem = pinch_square(mem, props.faders[1], props.faders[2])
- #saturation:
- mem = saturation(mem, props.faders[1])
- #twist:
- mem = twist(mem, props.faders[1])
- #synaesthesia:
- mem = synaesthesia(mem, props.faders[1], props.faders[2])
- #symh:
- mem = symh(mem, props.faders[1])
- #symv:
- mem = symv(mem, props.faders[1])
- #symhv:
- mem = symhv(mem, props.faders[1], props.faders[2])
- #hdistort:
- mem = hdistort(mem, props.faders[1], props.faders[2], layer, 1)
- #vdistort:
- mem = vdistort(mem, props.faders[1], props.faders[2], layer, 1)
- #hflip:
- mem = hflip(mem)
- #vflip:
- mem = vflip(mem)
- #filmstrip:
- mem = filmstrip(mem, props.faders[1] / 16, props.faders[2] / 16, layer, 1)
- #filmstrip_flip:
- mem = filmstrip_flip(mem, props.faders[1] / 16, props.faders[2] / 16, layer, 1)
- #twirl:
- mem = twirl(mem, props.faders[1], props.faders[2])
- #rotblur:
- mem = rotblur(mem, props.faders[1], props.faders[2])
- #squeezeh:
- mem = squeezeh(mem, props.faders[1], props.faders[2], layer, 2)
- #squeezev:
- mem = squeezev(mem, props.faders[1], props.faders[2], layer, 2)
- #pixelate:
- mem = pixelate(mem, props.faders[1] / 4, props.faders[2] / 4)
- #offsetimg:
- mem = offsetimg(mem, props.faders[1], props.faders[2])
- #imginvert:
- mem = imginvert(mem, props.faders[1])
- #acid:
- mem = acid(mem, props.faders[1])
- #killbright:
- mem = killbright(mem, props.faders[1])
- #killdark:
- mem = killdark(mem, props.faders[1])
- #pong:
- mem = pong(mem, props.faders[1])
- #echo:
- mem = echo(mem, props.faders[1], props.faders[2], layer, 1)
- #linepattern:
- mem = linepattern(mem, props.faders[1], props.faders[2], props.color, props.bgColor)
- #smearh:
- mem = smearh(mem, props.faders[1], props.faders[2])
- #smearv:
- mem = smearv(mem, props.faders[1], props.faders[2])
- #ascii:
- mem = ascii(mem, props.faders[1], props.faders[2])
- #makealpha:
- mem = makealpha(mem)
- #lumakey:
- mem = lumakey(mem, props.faders[1])
- #RGBshift:
- mem = RGBshift(mem, props.faders[1])
- #freeframe:
- if freeframe1list[layer] > 1 then
- mem2 = mem.duplicate()
- FreeFrameTest.processFrame_Plug_Inst(freeframe1list[layer], 1, mem2)
- mem = mem2
- end if
- end case
- return mem
- end
- on dofx2 mem, layer, props
- effect = fx2list[layer]
- repeat with i = 13 to 24
- props.faders[i] = integer(value(connectlist[layer][i + 1]))
- if props.write[i] then
- sendSprite(218 + layer, #setval, props.faders[i], #void, i)
- end if
- if props.read[i] then
- props.faders[i] = sprite(218 + layer).val[i]
- end if
- if effect = #freeframe then
- if freeframe2list[layer] > 0 then
- v = max(0, min(1, props.faders[i] / 256.0))
- FreeFrameTest.setParam_Plug_Inst(freeframe2list[layer], 1, i - 12, v)
- end if
- end if
- end repeat
- case effect of
- #Blur:
- times = props.faders[13] / 32
- repeat with i = 1 to times
- mem = Blur(mem)
- end repeat
- #feedback:
- mem = feedback(mem, props.faders[13], props.faders[14], props.faders[14])
- #matrix:
- mem = matrix(mem, props.faders[13] / 16, props.faders[14] / 16)
- #matrix_flip:
- mem = matrix_flip(mem, props.faders[13] / 16, props.faders[14] / 16)
- #rotate:
- mem = imageRotate(mem, props.faders[13], props.bgColor)
- #scaleimg:
- mem = scaleimg(mem, props.faders[13])
- #round_edges:
- mem = roundedges(mem, props.bgColor)
- #ovalize:
- mem = ovalize(mem, props.bgColor)
- #colorize:
- mem = colorize(mem, props.color)
- #color_min_max:
- mem = colorfilter(mem, props.color, props.bgColor)
- #bender:
- mem = bender(mem, props.faders[13], props.faders[14])
- #bol:
- mem = bol(mem, props.scale, props.scale)
- #lineshift:
- mem = lineshift(mem, props.faders[13], props.faders[14])
- #dots:
- mem = dotfilter(mem, props.faders[13] / 8, props.faders[13] / 8, props.color, props.bgColor)
- #dotsfast:
- mem = dotfast(mem, props.faders[13], props.faders[14])
- #dotscolor:
- mem = dotfiltercolor(mem, props.faders[13] / 8, props.faders[13] / 8, props.color, props.bgColor)
- #sketch:
- mem = sketch(mem, props.faders[13], props.color, props.bgColor)
- #desat:
- mem = desaturate(mem, props.faders[13])
- #contrast:
- mem = contrast(mem, props.faders[13])
- #lightness:
- mem = lightness(mem, props.faders[13])
- #lightray:
- mem = lightray(mem, props.faders[13], props.faders[14])
- #lightray2:
- mem = lightray2(mem, props.faders[13], props.faders[14])
- #saturation:
- mem = saturation(mem, props.faders[13])
- #pinch:
- mem = pinch(mem, props.faders[13], props.faders[14])
- #pinch_square:
- mem = pinch_square(mem, props.faders[13], props.faders[14])
- #twist:
- mem = twist(mem, props.faders[13])
- #synaesthesia:
- mem = synaesthesia(mem, props.faders[13], props.faders[14])
- #symh:
- mem = symh(mem, props.faders[13])
- #symv:
- mem = symv(mem, props.faders[13])
- #symhv:
- mem = symhv(mem, props.faders[13], props.faders[14])
- #hdistort:
- mem = hdistort(mem, props.faders[13], props.faders[14], layer, 2)
- #vdistort:
- mem = vdistort(mem, props.faders[13], props.faders[14], layer, 2)
- #hflip:
- mem = hflip(mem)
- #vflip:
- mem = vflip(mem)
- #filmstrip:
- mem = filmstrip(mem, props.faders[13] / 16, props.faders[14] / 16, layer, 2)
- #filmstrip_flip:
- mem = filmstrip_flip(mem, props.faders[13] / 16, props.faders[14] / 16, layer, 2)
- #twirl:
- mem = twirl(mem, props.faders[13], props.faders[14])
- #rotblur:
- mem = rotblur(mem, props.faders[13], props.faders[14])
- #squeezeh:
- mem = squeezeh(mem, props.faders[13], props.faders[14], layer, 2)
- #squeezev:
- mem = squeezev(mem, props.faders[13], props.faders[14], layer, 2)
- #pixelate:
- mem = pixelate(mem, props.faders[13] / 4, props.faders[14] / 4)
- #offsetimg:
- mem = offsetimg(mem, props.faders[13], props.faders[14])
- #imginvert:
- mem = imginvert(mem, props.faders[13])
- #acid:
- mem = acid(mem, props.faders[13])
- #killbright:
- mem = killbright(mem, props.faders[13])
- #killdark:
- mem = killdark(mem, props.faders[13])
- #echo:
- mem = echo(mem, props.faders[13], props.faders[14], layer, 2)
- #linepattern:
- mem = linepattern(mem, props.faders[13], props.faders[14], props.color, props.bgColor)
- #pong:
- mem = pong(mem, props.faders[13])
- #smearh:
- mem = smearh(mem, props.faders[13], props.faders[14])
- #smearv:
- mem = smearv(mem, props.faders[13], props.faders[14])
- #ascii:
- mem = ascii(mem, props.faders[13], props.faders[14])
- #makealpha:
- mem = makealpha(mem)
- #lumakey:
- mem = lumakey(mem, props.faders[13])
- #RGBshift:
- mem = RGBshift(mem, props.faders[13])
- #freeframe:
- if freeframe2list[layer] > 1 then
- mem2 = mem.duplicate()
- FreeFrameTest.processFrame_Plug_Inst(freeframe2list[layer], 1, mem2)
- mem = mem2
- end if
- end case
- return mem
- end